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Having trac header logo link to the project's trac home even when it is in a subdirectory

Getting trac to use the proper path for the link to home in its logo or sitename position.

sudo vi /srv/trac/projectname/conf/trac.ini

link = /projectname

And you're done!

To automate this, we have to figure out how are project specific settings set in trac on initialization.

So I ask Stefan.

Do you happen to know how project-specific settings are inserted into the trac.ini? I can't find it.
Any new project is set up already with:

Fixing Trac Warning: Can't synchronize with the repository (No changeset X in the repository).

When you get the trac error Can't synchronize with the repository with the specific reason that it does not have a specific changeset in the repository, en error such as below, the fix may be an easy command.

Warning: Can't synchronize with the repository (No changeset 44ac558946c26785987f0e500d23137d36bc537e in the repository). Look in the Trac log for more information.

(The ridiculously long changeset number is a hash, which is how Git makes distributed version control possible.)

Using LDAP Serverside

Most LDAP functions used at Agaric will be controlled through the Drupal interface.

When for some reason you need to use LDAP straight, here is how.

Type ldap and press TAB to see the available ldap commands. You can then use "man ldapetcetc" to look up that particular command (there is no "ldap" command).

Common commands you may need:
ldapsearch -x cn=Username

ldapsearch, ldapmodify, ldapadd, ldapdelete

To delete a user you need to connect as admin:

Show authors of all revisions on an article of content

Searched Words: drupal show authors of all node revisions multiple contributing users

Related how to for Drupal 5:
Adding 'Last edited by name some time ago' information

Trac administration with real examples

Run trac-admin commands on the server hosting the trac sites. In our Debian server setup at least, individual projects are in the /srv/trac/ directory, and every trac-admin command should be followed by the path to the project you care about.

For more information than man will give you, use:

trac-admin help

To make a user an admin (I believe this will automatically create a new user if it has to) --

trac-admin /srv/trac/example permission add username TRAC_ADMIN

Select multiple users to delete sorted by registration date and with one profile field (Drupal 4.7)

Side note: Deleting directly with MySQL:
DELETE p, u FROM dru_profile_values p LEFT JOIN dru_users u ON p.uid = u.uid WHERE u.created > 1317450417

On to the long obsolete main show:

If you are unfortunate enough to be doing anything on Drupal 4.7, here is a bit of empathy.

If you have a 4.7 site, it probably has a lot of spam registrations. Drupal 4.7 doesn't have a multiple user delete. And Userplus module doesn't provide a very useful list in its multiple user delete.

How to call the path to theme from within the theme (and why)

We had a site that occasionally generated page not found errors for ie6_fixes.css. Occasionally, we realized, because this file was only sought by browsers following the hide-from-everything-except Internet Explorer 6 code. The file was then not being found because the name of the whole theme had changed, and the existing template had hard-coded in not just the location but also the name of the theme.

Changed in page.tpl.php (and all variations such as page-front.tpl.php and page-node-4.tpl.php:
@import "/sites/default/themes/jonas_theme/ie6_fixes.css";

D7 Book Proposal

Holder for uploaded file.

Cannot merge error message from Git likely due to an added but uncommitted file

"would be overwritten by merge. Cannot merge."

Git tells you which file it is. Use git status to see if it is added but not committed. Commit it. Do the merge again. It'll probably work.

In the future, check your local state before pulling (or performing an Agaric Capistrano task that includes pulling a commit back down locally).

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