User login

How to

Information on how to do something... anything.

Using LetsEncrypt (certbot via docker) for wildcard SSL certificates with CloudFlare

Using the latest wildcard support from LetsEncrypt may be a bit of a challenge, depending on your OS's current level of support, and your DNS servers/provider. Linked to this post is an example script that keeps all of certbot's data in it's own little separated directory hierarchy while using CloudFlare as the DNS provider.

Making it so code-provided menu links can have their titles edited

This link is provided by the module. "The title and path cannot be edited." Drupal 8

This issue is about fixing the home link in the standard profile. We should let that fix go in. That said, i'm with those saying we (also) need a general solution for this.

Time Tracking and Hours Reports in GitLab with GTT

GitLab has time tracking (caveat: Unfortunately this is the Enterprise Edition, not the fully Free Software Community Edition). See:


Solving a newly installed application not running on Debian when you vaguely recall the app is Python

I'm using Debian Mint but all of this should also apply for Ubuntu and maybe even Mac OS X.

In my case i was installing QTodoTxt but the same debugging, and potentially solution, should apply to any application. They had a .deb package which i used to install it, and i was delighted— I wouldn't have to worry about handling dependencies myself. Indeed, it installed successfully and showed up with a nice icon in my application launcher. And launching it... did nothing.

Removing double spaces in usernames directly in the SQL

A client using the Bulk invite module (by Agaric's David Valdez) had invited hundreds of users with slightly malformed usernames— two spaces between first and last name when there should only be one.

Note that you need to do the change both in the users_field_data table and the users_field_revision table— and you need to clear caches when you're done to see the change on user edit pages, which is where it matters.

Adding action links to pages in Drupal 8

To add an action link for creating content of a given node type on a related listing view, you could add to 'example' module an example.links.action.yml file with contents like the following:

Send commit message to IRC

There is sadly no default way to do this directly from— but there's a pretty simple way, with Bishop:

Install Heroku locally. These instructions from worked great for me:

Replacing the Druplicon favicon in a custom theme for Drupal 8

Placing the favicon.ico in the root of the theme folder, presuming you are using a custom theme, is by far the easiest way to tell Drupal to use that favicon.ico file in the rel shortcut icon (favicon) tag— and so displayed by modern browsers in the tab bar.

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