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Time Tracking and Hours Reports in GitLab with GTT

GitLab has time tracking (caveat: Unfortunately this is the Enterprise Edition, not the fully Free Software Community Edition). See:


Set date and time on virtual machine independent of host machine

Our setup is a Debian guest with VirtualBox on an Ubuntu host, but the two basic steps look like they are the same on any combination.

Shut down all virtual machines and close VirtualBox first.

To the main VirtualBox configuration file — ~/.VirtualBox/VirtualBox.xml — and to the specific virtual machine's configuration file — something like ~/VirtualBox\ VMs/somename_default_1415392315537_7406/somename_default_1415392315537_7406.vbox — add the following, identical line into the existing <ExtraData> sections:

Online tool for picking a time when everyone can meet

This note exists because i manage to forget the name of the meeting time choosing tool that everyone uses.

It's Doodle.

And if there's something better than Doodle, we can list that here, too.

p.s. There is, of course, a Drupal module for that:

Insert the current data and time

No button, but it's pretty slick. Just type the day of the month, slash, and hit enter or tab. There's today's date.

Just type the time, "10:14", and it records it properly as a time.


Project Management and Time Tracking in Drupal

Agaric (planned) Timetracking and Invoice System

Dan's listing:

  • Task
  • Estimated
  • Start
  • Estimated
  • Finish
  • Estimated Hours
  • Actual Start
  • Actual Finish
  • Total Billable Hours

My refinement:
* time spent (billable, reported as comped, not reported)

Agaric time: it's all nodes
which is a ridiculously heavy way to store this information, but so what
it's the Drupal way!
or at least the Agaric way


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