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Download and install Drupal in one step

Drubuntu has a 'site add' functionality, but aside from being limited to Drubuntu it does as a multisite (no thanks) with the site's settings.php and files weirdly symlinked to a directory sitting alongside the download itself. (Ah, i just realize that it probably adds all sites to this one multisite.)

Better Image Insert Workflow

A truly slick configuration of Insert and Image Resize Filter would disable insert if the img tag is not available for the selected text format.

Insert the current data and time

No button, but it's pretty slick. Just type the day of the month, slash, and hit enter or tab. There's today's date.

Just type the time, "10:14", and it records it properly as a time.


Much smarter command line history up/down behavior - with search

You may know about ctrl+shift+R for reverse case-insensitive search (or whatever it stands for) and that is still useful if you remember one very unique keyword from the middle of a command.

Firefox Keyword Shortcuts to Drupal Resources and Searches

Inspired by Jody Hamilton's Drupal timesavers I updated and am sharing my Firefox wildcard-enhanced shortcuts to common Drupal-related founts of information. See Adam Ross's post for a file you can import.

Alan Frankel suggests this information begin with how to create a keyword shortcut in the first place:

(1) Go to "Bookmarks/Organize Bookmarks".

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