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Create rewrite rules from new and old URLs using the power of Vim to munge text

As part of the move of Agaric content from to, we needed to create a bunch (1,592 to be precise) redirects that look like this one:

RewriteRule ^nice-menus-drop-down-bug [NC,R=301,L]

Stefan, in his wizardry, had already pulled a tab-separated-value file of the old path to the new URL, so that what we had was:


Much smarter command line history up/down behavior - with search

You may know about ctrl+shift+R for reverse case-insensitive search (or whatever it stands for) and that is still useful if you remember one very unique keyword from the middle of a command.

Find text anywhere in a MySQL database (use PHPmyadmin)

I just had a quick Drupal question. We need to search our site and make sure a link is never used directly on any of the pages. I know Drugal is a sql backend -- is there a quick and easy way to just search the database for that?

Yes, there are ways. If it is in content Drupal's built in search should do it. Otherwise, PHPMyAdmin has a good every database table / every field search that's a good deal more complicated than a simple SQL command.

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