User login

Kathleen Murtagh

Available role: A module for Drupal to allow users to choose which roles permitted to them they currently use

When developing a site it is well known you need to log in as different users to properly test functionality, or you will always be surprised by incorrectly-configured permissions.

However, it should be much easier to test out working as a given user role by anyone with these privileges.

Vision for Agaric

draft. The goal is to keep working on this document until it becomes a) inspirational, b) collective, and c) operational. Yes, that's right, this is supposed to inspire, be written by committee, and have a practical handle on the nitty-gritty details, all at once. Starting with unattainable goals takes the pressure off!

Agaric's model is Free and Open: free and open standards, free and open work and management, free and open source code, free and open documentation. We prefer to take on projects that match that vision.

Questions for other Consulting Shops and Collectives and Freelancers

What kind of Drupal work do you most often do?

What kind of Drupal work do you most want to do?

Do you track your time?

If so, what tools do you use to track your time?

Do you track blatantly non-billable time such as reading Drupal Planet? If so, do you use the same system as for client/project work, and how do you categorize various non-work time?

Any conditions a client must meet for you to work with them?

What are your goals in life?

Do you see ways for your business to help you achieve these goals? If so, which ways?

Pulling structured data from some web sites to another with RDFa

getting data from one site to another understanding fields and all (sounds like Deployment is what they want... but they want 'standards')

RDFa Monkey appears dead, or at least its link (from various sites) goes to a Microsoft IIS server's file not found page:

Deployment and Development

An extremely abbreviated summary of developer's summit deployment breakout.

Josh Koenig summarized the discussion so far and tried to put a direction on it: we want to separate configuration from code and have a couple approaches.

Greg Dunlap (heyrocker) of Deploy module disagreed completely: there is no separation of configuration and content in Drupal, there won't be, and there probably shouldn't be.

And lots of clients, what they really care about, is content deployment.

UUIDs in core would be huge.

Trac plugins

Kathleen Murtagh's giant list...

Project Management Tools:

What Agaric stands for in two sentences plus asterisk (brainstorm)

Agaric... what the dictionary has to say:

any fungus with gills on the underside of the cap, such as a mushroom [Greek agarikon]
ag·a·ric (gr-k, -grk)
1. Any of various mushrooms of the genera Agaricus, Fomes, or related genera, having large umbrellalike caps with numerous gills beneath.
2. The dried fruiting body of certain fungal species in the genus Fomes, formerly used in medicine, especially to inhibit the production of sweat.

Description of and Guidelines for use of Data dot Agaric (Open Data Drupal distribution)

a quick list of guidelines for data.agaric (and the coming Open Data distribution)

After you log in, there will be links to create content

in each content there are many vocabularies. The idea is that you tag EVERYTHING that is related to that content

if it's an "idea", tag everyone that talked about it. If it's a module, tag it with Drupal as a project (oh yeah, Drupal is a project, not a tag), and all other related modules... and even websites we've made that use these modules

key word fairly liberally.

Sudo for elevated access on Drupal sites

Masquerade as user 1. Sudo.

want to reduce clutter- not see all the things that we see all the time

sudo should be user 1
then some other name for the semi-elevated access

[Took me a while to see a point behind this idea of Kathleen's, but eventualy I did.] The idea of using the site all the time with the minimum of privileges you need, to keep everything clean, and then masquerading up when you need to, is pretty damn cool

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