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Sudo for elevated access on Drupal sitesSudo for elevated access on Drupal sites
Submitted by Benjamin Melançon on June 10, 2009 - 3:04pm
Masquerade as user 1. Sudo.
want to reduce clutter- not see all the things that we see all the time
sudo should be user 1
then some other name for the semi-elevated access
[Took me a while to see a point behind this idea of Kathleen's, but eventualy I did.] The idea of using the site all the time with the minimum of privileges you need, to keep everything clean, and then masquerading up when you need to, is pretty damn cool
One request for something like this in Drupal core, 2009 May:
Sudo like functionality (elevate to adminrole) - http://drupal.org/node/460402