User login


Account management with LDAP

Add new user

$ sudo cpu useradd user

Add existing user to group

$ sudo ldapaddusertogroup user group

You can check that the add has taken effect by looking over the lists of groups the user is in (due to caching this may take some time):

$ sudo -u user groups

Sudo for elevated access on Drupal sites

Masquerade as user 1. Sudo.

want to reduce clutter- not see all the things that we see all the time

sudo should be user 1
then some other name for the semi-elevated access

[Took me a while to see a point behind this idea of Kathleen's, but eventualy I did.] The idea of using the site all the time with the minimum of privileges you need, to keep everything clean, and then masquerading up when you need to, is pretty damn cool

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