User login

Greg Dunlap

Check if a given uid has a given permission (a query to avoid user_load)

a good D7 query for determining if a user has a specific permission
via agentrickard

what's wrong with user_access('permission', $account) ?

it requires a user_load_multiple() (a user_load to get the roles on the account, turning in the ID is not enough)

which is wasteful if you can do it at the query level

you could see what queries that function runs

it seems like that is a somewhat complicated thing to work out
since users can belong to many roles

how many users is this for at a time? I'd just use user_load() + user_access().

Deployment and Development

An extremely abbreviated summary of developer's summit deployment breakout.

Josh Koenig summarized the discussion so far and tried to put a direction on it: we want to separate configuration from code and have a couple approaches.

Greg Dunlap (heyrocker) of Deploy module disagreed completely: there is no separation of configuration and content in Drupal, there won't be, and there probably shouldn't be.

And lots of clients, what they really care about, is content deployment.

UUIDs in core would be huge.

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