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Dan Hakimzadeh

Emfield video thumbnails disappearing

This is incorrect

Just update to the latest version. See for the fun story behind it.

Emfield module must be configured to have a custom directory to store its thumbnails in, otherwise the thumbnails are put in sites/default/files as temporary files (status zero), and are cleared out when cron runs.

Drupal Work Collective Book Sprint Cape Cod II

Drupal Work Collective plans.


Power strip (ben)
Power squid (dan)
More powerful wifi (dan ben - not sure if it's good enough though)


Bring from Agaric HQ North Natick:

RDFa for telephone, IRC links that open, and other spiffiness for Agaric's client support page

RDFa-ing up our support page.

recommends FOAF for most contact stuff, and there is a FOAF:Organization for companies and weird hybrid collective

The tel URI for Telephone Numbers

Agaric Design core principles and motivation

Money is always good, but the the main motivation of the team [is] making the business successful, doing things we can be proud of, showing the world we do things better and by our rules.

– Dan Hakimzadeh

what new are we bringing to Drupal?

There's more than one way to span a date...

In theory you can put HTML code right into a custom date format declaration. Actually, this did not quite work for some reason... somewhere in class year the code just gave up and pled for mercy.

\<\d\i\v \c\l\a\s\s\="\m"\>M\<\/\d\i\v\>\<\d\i\v \c\l\a\s\s\="\d\y"\>d\<\/\d\i\v\>\<\d\i\v \c\l\a\s\s\="\y\r"\>Y\<\/\d\i\v\>

Remove page headline for a given content type

To remove the page title (the one that prints in the page itself, not in the browser bar) for a specific node type, use this simple code in your template_preprocess_page() function.

Make sure you wrap the code that outputs the header in page.tpl.php in a conditional if statement, so that if there is no title it does not output the <h1></h1> tags.

This code goes in template.php of a theme named "example":

How to call the path to theme from within the theme (and why)

We had a site that occasionally generated page not found errors for ie6_fixes.css. Occasionally, we realized, because this file was only sought by browsers following the hide-from-everything-except Internet Explorer 6 code. The file was then not being found because the name of the whole theme had changed, and the existing template had hard-coded in not just the location but also the name of the theme.

Changed in page.tpl.php (and all variations such as page-front.tpl.php and page-node-4.tpl.php:
@import "/sites/default/themes/jonas_theme/ie6_fixes.css";

SStoring third-party libraries outside the upgrade path

Definitely best practice for all libraries that cannot be included on due to GPL or other reasons.

Dan discovers in the FCKeditor WYSIWYG documentation

Extract the archive and copy its contents into a new folder in the following location:

So the actual library can be found at:

Sweet! If only they were all consistent!

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