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Use different view mode based on theme


Both these are needed to work for teaser nodes in a view, at least:

Change the text of a tab, such as 'View', for one node type

 * Implements hook_menu_alter().
 * Use a title callback to replace the text shown on nodes' "View" tab.
function example_menu_alter(&$items) {

Display raw content via Drupal without any page header, sidebars, footer etc.

Sometimes you want content that is still managed by a content management system, but not displayed with any of the blocks or menus or anything else the CMS usually helpfully supplies. You may even want to take over the content definition or other information sent with the page but not seen. In other words, Take over entire page with HTML/XML defined in content.

Is there a module yet to allow a piece of content to completely take over a page? Defining all the headers and HTML and XML with nothing generated by Drupal?

Terminal-style syntax highlighting

For documenting on Drupal web sites steps taken on the command line, Agaric would like syntax highlighting of the sort GitHub is using. Note that it is adding a class to the pre tag, and then using spans within that!

Perhaps could be added as a feature to the Code filter module.

There's more than one way to span a date...

In theory you can put HTML code right into a custom date format declaration. Actually, this did not quite work for some reason... somewhere in class year the code just gave up and pled for mercy.

\<\d\i\v \c\l\a\s\s\="\m"\>M\<\/\d\i\v\>\<\d\i\v \c\l\a\s\s\="\d\y"\>d\<\/\d\i\v\>\<\d\i\v \c\l\a\s\s\="\y\r"\>Y\<\/\d\i\v\>

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