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All attributes start with a #. Don't spend an hour trying to figure out why it's not working like i did.

Next step of passing values to the theme_image() function would be, after accessibility, speed: Somehow getting the height and width data from style presets and including it here so that the dimensions can immediately be used in the browser's page rendering process.

html5 photograph caption

Checklist module and/or site

Agaric wants Drupal-native (or Redmine/Chiliproject) checklist storage, sharing, and use for things like the not-yet-ultimate web site development and deployment checklist.

The Drupal 7 road map of Checklist module looks very helpful but it is moving slowly.

The ability to have tasks link to how-tos, to be able to share and re-use lists, with user or project-specific tweaks, would be fantastic.

Display raw content via Drupal without any page header, sidebars, footer etc.

Sometimes you want content that is still managed by a content management system, but not displayed with any of the blocks or menus or anything else the CMS usually helpfully supplies. You may even want to take over the content definition or other information sent with the page but not seen. In other words, Take over entire page with HTML/XML defined in content.

Is there a module yet to allow a piece of content to completely take over a page? Defining all the headers and HTML and XML with nothing generated by Drupal?

Terminal-style syntax highlighting

For documenting on Drupal web sites steps taken on the command line, Agaric would like syntax highlighting of the sort GitHub is using. Note that it is adding a class to the pre tag, and then using spans within that!

Perhaps could be added as a feature to the Code filter module.

Virtual Smartphone

i just want to be able to text from my computer!!

Agaric wants software to crowdsource the backing up of each other's data

if we all backup each other's data with whatever space is available on our various hard drives, we may be able to save a lot of money and be better for the environment too.

Some really good software for both the client and the storage ends are needed to make this work well. Probably something as far as distributing the locations of encrypted backups also...

Field labels should be number of items / plural aware

Ideal would be on the field settings, or possibly the field display settings, you can set what the singular and what the plural should be.

I don't think automatic adding of an s would work so well.

Point is you have a link field for entering web sites, it should say web site if there is one and web sites if there are multiple.

Having a show all content result from SOLR as a filterable listing page

stefan-agaric: this is how you can get all items from the solr index[%TO%]
15:44 stefan-agaric: this also works
15:46 mlncn: nice-- how do we actually do it in the search field though?

An Online Account / Social Media field type

You enter your username or ID and check off all the places it applies: Twitter, Facebook, IRC, etc.

There's a bit of a pitfall for places like where your profile URL is not based on the username.

Or should it be entirely do-it-yourself?

My username/ID is:
On website:

I want to just disable the alt (option) arrow as browser back one page behavior

i never press backspace by accident in a form, but i am used to option left arrow moving back one word at a time, not having the whole page go back. The benefit of backspace is that it works like a backspace when you are in a form element. The damn alt left arrow thing makes you go back no matter what you're doing on a page.

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