Having a show all content result from SOLR as a filterable listing page
stefan-agaric: this is how you can get all items from the solr index http://agaric.agariclabs.net:8180/solr/select?q=solr_id:[%TO%]
15:44 stefan-agaric: this also works http://agaric.agariclabs.net:8180/solr/select?q=%:%
15:46 mlncn: nice-- how do we actually do it in the search field though?
16:03 stefan-agaric: and to get everything from solr sorted by noce.created: http://agaric.agariclabs.net:8180/solr/select?q=%:%&sort=created%20desc
but i can't translate it to the search page: http://data.agaric.com/search/apachesolr_search/%:%
16:07 stefan-agaric: no that's somehow cut out by the module.
16:08 stefan-agaric: but that would not help anyways.
16:13 mlncn: ok, yeah. now, that can wait for 7. In terms of priority, killing the server we literally cannot afford to make another payment on, and finishing the book sort of win :-P
16:13 stefan-agaric: yes that's becasue the search page creates a query by usign the module
16:13 stefan-agaric: Now do you see why it looks curvy. It's niot the best font for the task.
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