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Display raw content via Drupal without any page header, sidebars, footer etc.

Sometimes you want content that is still managed by a content management system, but not displayed with any of the blocks or menus or anything else the CMS usually helpfully supplies. You may even want to take over the content definition or other information sent with the page but not seen. In other words, Take over entire page with HTML/XML defined in content.

Is there a module yet to allow a piece of content to completely take over a page? Defining all the headers and HTML and XML with nothing generated by Drupal?

For instance for pasting in a generated sitemap?

Seeking best practice advice for overriding page.tpl.php for a node content-type

See also:

Searched words: 
drupal raw html drupal content type take over page full page complete page Drupal without Drupal no sidebars or header display content only


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