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Drush commands to enable Devel module and Page Render Array display

drush -y en devel
drush vset devel_page_alter 1

To enable the broader set of modules, it would be great to have these wrapped in a couple drush commands.


drush -y en enabled_modules views_ui xray

Indent lines in Vim

To indent a set of eight lines in vim, from the first one, in normal (esc) mode:


To indent a curly braces block, go to a curly brace and:


To mark and indent (using 'm' as the marking letter, the first m is the marking command):

Enter mm at the top of block to indent, go down to the end of what needs to be indented, and type >'m

Much smarter command line history up/down behavior - with search

You may know about ctrl+shift+R for reverse case-insensitive search (or whatever it stands for) and that is still useful if you remember one very unique keyword from the middle of a command.

Firefox Shortcut for Searching Drupal's API

This is out of date, see

Update: Grayside has an HTML file you can download and import into Firefox from the Organize Bookmarks dialog with more up-to-date versions of the below and more:

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