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Drupal in a virtual machine cheat sheet

This cheatsheet presumes you're already set up with VirtualBox and Vagrant, configured for Drupal. (Agaric has our own base box to have a head start on setting up for this purpose, but some of the magic is in the Vagrantfile stored with our projects.)

In a terminal, go to the directory holding your Vagrantfile and your project code. Then the fun begins.

vagrant up

to start the virtual machine.

Update only Drupal core with Drush

drush up drupal

Download and install Drupal in one step

Drubuntu has a 'site add' functionality, but aside from being limited to Drubuntu it does as a multisite (no thanks) with the site's settings.php and files weirdly symlinked to a directory sitting alongside the download itself. (Ah, i just realize that it probably adds all sites to this one multisite.)

very wrong attempts to load a specified Drush alias configuration file


It's funny if you weren't there. Trying to call and use a Drush aliases file. First of all, the flag is --alias-path (this is missing from drush topic global-core-options but mentioned in drush/examples/example.alias.drushrc.php) and secondly it takes the directory not the file name. See Settings for sets of sites: Putting Drush configuration into your project repository.

Settings for sets of sites: Putting Drush configuration into your project repository

Inherit local-only options with 'parent'

Parent is not working across files. Filed support request:

In an aliases file that lives with your project, so for our SDL project, sdl.aliases.drushrc.php, put in all settings that are true no matter who is using Drush and from where. This is the settings for an externally hosted development collaboration site.

Drush and specifying source dump and target dump options

Using temporary files to store and transfer sql-dump. It is recommended that you specify --source-dump and --target-dump options on the command line, or set '%dump' or '%dump-dir' in the path-aliases section of your site alias records. This facilitates fast file transfer via rsync.

What exactly does that mean? Is some random location i make up really better than the temporary directory? Or should i be giving it some specific directory, on different serves or something? Guidance please.


in drushrc.php

Tell Drush to Check your Git Repository for Configuration

To consider for Agaric. We don't have one big project so i'm not sure how useful per-project configuration will be...

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