User login


Drush and specifying source dump and target dump options

Using temporary files to store and transfer sql-dump. It is recommended that you specify --source-dump and --target-dump options on the command line, or set '%dump' or '%dump-dir' in the path-aliases section of your site alias records. This facilitates fast file transfer via rsync.

What exactly does that mean? Is some random location i make up really better than the temporary directory? Or should i be giving it some specific directory, on different serves or something? Guidance please.


in drushrc.php

Areas to investigate regarding forming a worker-owned collective

[very rough first brainstorm]

In the form of questions to be asked of other web shops, Drupal companies, startups, multinational corporations, radical organizations, etc.

What is your legal structure? Why was this chosen?

What are your decision-making processes?

What are your hiring policies?

How do you handle, taxwise and legally, international employees? Contractors?

What do you do for health insurance? What are your policies for receiving?

How do you decide who does what?

Approach Geeks For Good about VisionsUnite/DrupalCommunityFoundation integration

Every other person at DrupalCon heard a word or two about Coordinating Community Projects or the Drupal Union idea and pointed us to:

Geeks for Good

a project of Civic Actions,

As far as i can understand it is a straight list of postings, and i don't even see a search box as of 2011 March 15.

Better Registration and Login Workflow for Drupal 8, allowing logging in or registering while posting content

Better Registration / Login Workflow

A DCSF (DrupalCon San Francisco) Developer Talk Proposal, revised and updated for DrupalCon Chicago, based on a longstanding Drupal usability wish.

PowerPoint presentation from Core Conversation (available in other formats on request).

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