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Civic Actions

Approach Geeks For Good about VisionsUnite/DrupalCommunityFoundation integration

Every other person at DrupalCon heard a word or two about Coordinating Community Projects or the Drupal Union idea and pointed us to:

Geeks for Good

a project of Civic Actions,

As far as i can understand it is a straight list of postings, and i don't even see a search box as of 2011 March 15.

Drupal Business Panel with Ron Huber, Jenn Sramek, Matt Cheney, and Chris Bryant

Chris Bryant of Gravitek
Matt Cheney of Chapter Three
Jenn Sramek of Civic Actions
moderated by Ron Huber of Achieve Internet

[shops i consider role models]
i don't have them listed or ranked

most people were in the last presentation

in my opinion most [Drupal shops] are about the same size, under 40.

Ch3 = 27

Civic Actions - 37-40

Chris Bryant
gravitek - 10

Mission statements and branding of various Drupal shops

Drupal shops, front pages and about pages as of June 3, shops separated by ***

Lullabot provides consulting and training for Drupal and other open source software. We know all the buzzwords and can provide friendly expert guidance on your next web project. [featuring a graphic with the "Give a man a fish.." saying, and then the Drupal logo at the start of the text]

Agaric adaptations of the Civic Actions specifications worksheets

The original:

I really like the duration overhead estimate– the principal that if you are involved in the project, you are going to spend some unattributable overhead time simply being involved with the project.

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