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Drupal in a virtual machine cheat sheet

This cheatsheet presumes you're already set up with VirtualBox and Vagrant, configured for Drupal. (Agaric has our own base box to have a head start on setting up for this purpose, but some of the magic is in the Vagrantfile stored with our projects.)

In a terminal, go to the directory holding your Vagrantfile and your project code. Then the fun begins.

vagrant up

to start the virtual machine.

Set date and time on virtual machine independent of host machine

Our setup is a Debian guest with VirtualBox on an Ubuntu host, but the two basic steps look like they are the same on any combination.

Shut down all virtual machines and close VirtualBox first.

To the main VirtualBox configuration file — ~/.VirtualBox/VirtualBox.xml — and to the specific virtual machine's configuration file — something like ~/VirtualBox\ VMs/somename_default_1415392315537_7406/somename_default_1415392315537_7406.vbox — add the following, identical line into the existing <ExtraData> sections:

Access the http port on VirtualBox guest from host, such as to use Mac web browser to see site developed in Ubuntu virtual machine

Accessing web server on Ubuntu VirtualBox guest from Mac OS X host

Search words:
port sharing virtualbox
virtualbox localhost
virtualbox localhost ubuntu mac os x webserver
virtualbox localhost:8080
guestport hostport virtualbox
mac os x virtualbox port forwarding
VirtualBox 3.0 VBox 3

Ebony-II:~ ben$ VBoxManage setextradata "buntu" "VBoxInternal/Devices/e1000/0/LUN#0/Config/guestssh/Protocol" TCP
VirtualBox Command Line Management Interface Version 3.0.0
(C) 2005-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
All rights reserved.

Sharing folders on VirtualBox from Mac host to Linux guest

Not sure if it was necessary, but it didn't work for me until I used lowercase for the VirtualBox name of the shared folder (the folder itself was still capitalized).

su root

mount -t vboxsf -o uid=ben,gid=ben,umask=022 notes /home/ben/Notes


That is what worked, here are some things that didn't work, for this folder only

virtualbox shared folder location in guest machine

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