Download and install Drupal in one step
Drubuntu has a 'site add' functionality, but aside from being limited to Drubuntu it does as a multisite (no thanks) with the site's settings.php and files weirdly symlinked to a directory sitting alongside the download itself. (Ah, i just realize that it probably adds all sites to this one multisite.)
After thinking i had to rewrite a good chunk of the Drush site install command so it would actually work (and not quit whining that it had no settings.php or files directory, even though i could see it had the code to create it), Boz Hogan showed me how to use drush si correctly, having just read about it in this great book, Definitive Guide to Drupal 7. In a chapter i wrote.
So now i'm simply trying to wrap these Drush commands and basic other steps in another Drush command that makes it simpler (and only one command).
I think it will live in the Scaffolding Drush project (an initial attempt at the command, drush scaffolding-install-drupal, is in there. Used with an alias and passing in the name to give your new Drupal install it looks like drush sid projectname
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