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Project Management and Time Tracking in Drupal

Agaric (planned) Timetracking and Invoice System

Dan's listing:

  • Task
  • Estimated
  • Start
  • Estimated
  • Finish
  • Estimated Hours
  • Actual Start
  • Actual Finish
  • Total Billable Hours

My refinement:
* time spent (billable, reported as comped, not reported)

Agaric time: it's all nodes
which is a ridiculously heavy way to store this information, but so what
it's the Drupal way!
or at least the Agaric way


the main view does not show time tagged as personal, just that tagged as Agaric

Still looking for a time tracker

Roll it in CCK and Views:
How to track volunteer hours

recent (May 2008 dev)

brand new in April [2008], no release yet (look in CVS) .. still no release in 2009, don't bother.

Even newer, May 2009:

Nothing resolved, but some intelligent thinking:

Keeping track of time spent on an issue



Commercial SaaS Options

Searched words: 
time tracker tracking track time freeware timeslips drupal time log time logger time_tracker time tracker hour recorder


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