User login


Direct incoming nids to node/nid

A simple module could check for integer in the first part of the argument and send to the node ID for a very simple way of shortening URLs on a Drupal site.

Done (and then some) in Drupal 6 with this module:

Done in Drupal 7 here:

Tailored sites for Research Laboratories at Educational Institutions

Also known as university lab websites.

With Drupal 7 and better Agaric will be providing targeted distributions meeting the feature set and standards of quality demanded by specific users of Drupal, which we can then tailor to specific needs.

Regarding research labs, we are looking at some existing (non-Drupal) sites on - click "Research Labs"

How large are mycellia networks of agaric mushrooms?

Read through a lot of material, no answers. I think the agaricus genus is mostly spores land, get a mushroom, not the vast underground networks. Still, agaric = gills = webbing is sort of cool.

Remote drush commands

How we would probably want this to work is that "rake prod vlad:drush XXX" call "ssh prodservername drush -r /path/to/project/drupal XXX"

For instance: ssh prodservername drush -r /path/to/project/drupal enable bad_judgement

Updating old Agaric projects to new Rake system

Superseded, see setting up new Ubuntu computer Agaric style.

This is Agaric internal documentation, related to Deploying the Agaric Way. Make sure that you have a checkout of the siteproj 'base' project. If not, git clone it into your file system.

These instructions should be good for all legacy projects:

Using Drush to list your modules and their statuses: drush sm (for show modules)

On the command line and want to list the modules you have on your site? Fortunately, there's a module-listing command that Agaric's Stefan Freudenberg contributed to Drush.

drush sm

Think "show modules" to remember sm. (The official full name of the command is pm-list which is confusing so just ignore it.)

You can do all your usual fancy command line things:

ben@ubuntu:~/code/agaric/web$ drush sm | grep Views

Drupal wish: Configuration setting to make all content types default to create new revision

Update: All this is superseded by an existing module,

Requests for this feature go all the way back to the days of Drupal 4.6, at the least:

create new revision by default
(4.6 era post!)

This feature remains wanted-- here is the manual instructions, for!

Personal site style marketing brainstorm

was node/1379


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