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Updating your Rakefile and syncing content

As when working on any Agaric project that may not have had maintenance done on it in a while, update the Rakefile to be in line with current processes.

First, make sure your Vlad checkout is up-to-date. Go to it cd ~/vlad (in my case, i symlinked Vlad's true location to my home folder so he can find it. On my system Vlad's true location is /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8/i686-linux/vlad/) and git pull.

cd ~/code/projectname
mv Rakefile RakefileOLD
cp /home/ben/vlad/Rakefile Rakefile
diff -up

Agaric internal: internal funding during paid projects; own currency; and strategy notes

[Draft - internal policy thoughts shared with the world for openness - but not official at all]

Our rates and billing assume some amount amount of work for particular projects will go unpaid by the client.

In particular, we should budget 6 hours for pre-project work in acquiring a project and 12 hours making sure everything is awesome.

Those hours may change but let's keep that 1:2 ratio.

Updating old Agaric projects to new Rake system

Superseded, see setting up new Ubuntu computer Agaric style.

This is Agaric internal documentation, related to Deploying the Agaric Way. Make sure that you have a checkout of the siteproj 'base' project. If not, git clone it into your file system.

These instructions should be good for all legacy projects:

Agaric Drupal Podcast Remixes: Notes

middle-to-end of Drupal podcast (#3?) - interview with Moshe Weitzman - Jeff goes on a glorious rant about time zones.

a little later:

help_edit module
drop help text right onto a page

using the help_hook

under-appreciated and underused

(Good reason-- it doesn't exist as a Drupal project at help_edit, helpedit, edit_help, or edithelp. But if Agaric can find it in CVS perhaps we can rescue it and bring it to Drupal 5 and 6 from the depths of time.)


Business practices: collecting payment, tracking time

Veronica says:

don't go more than 30 days past implementation (without collecting)

Keep track of hours you work on pro bono projects
You can donate that


FYI - tonight's chat.. supposed to be 15mins!!!

Another little piece of life on the project:

You need a hippy

You need someone who knows how to grow stuff. You need someone whose spent the last 40 years getting in touch with the earth.

You need a hippy.


Box Burritos

In an astounding reversal, Agaric Design Collective has come out in favor of food patents.

The Agaric Box Burrito (patent pending) is a breakthrough in food enjoyment technology.

Six sides of tortilla wrap, laid out in "Make A Box" of Square One TV fame. What could be simpler?

Some dispute that this brilliant idea/discovery is the sole property of Dan Hakimzadeh. The event was prefaced by a strange occurrence that morning in which the growling stomachs of Benjamin Melançon and Mr. Hakimzadeh apparently communicated across the office.

Drupal jobs site; possible partner to PowerToDrupal

New Drupal developer website...

No Google ads yet! Agaric likes that!


PowerToExchange: towards a business plan and proposal

Kathryn, business manager.

Fishbone diagram:

  • what could go wrong
  • what would increase the cost?

So he can see what would cause it to cost more.

So what are the features

Site easy to use.

Not time consuming unless they want it to be.

And actually connects them with people who have ideas.

People can vote, click on a thing to say "I like this idea"

Connect them to people who are entrepreneurs.

Connect them to people who are willing to invest.

Marketing budget.

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