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Updating your Rakefile and syncing content

As when working on any Agaric project that may not have had maintenance done on it in a while, update the Rakefile to be in line with current processes.

First, make sure your Vlad checkout is up-to-date. Go to it cd ~/vlad (in my case, i symlinked Vlad's true location to my home folder so he can find it. On my system Vlad's true location is /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8/i686-linux/vlad/) and git pull.

cd ~/code/projectname
mv Rakefile RakefileOLD
cp /home/ben/vlad/Rakefile Rakefile
diff -up

Deploying the Agaric way


Where we come from

After journeying from Capistrano to Vlad we eventually use pure Rake tasks for our deployment. While Vlad was a great improvement it also had downsides. Lack of feedback from tasks made it hard to tell why they failed. Also the most interesting feature of those deployment tools is not required in our case: The ability to roll out to many servers at the same time.

Setup an Ubuntu Development Environment the Agaric Way

Update: See Installing Drubuntu

Use the following commands to set up a development environment on Ubuntu (8.10).

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