User login


Installing Etherpad Light on Debian

It's actually called Etherpad Lite but i hate that spelling.

This will be a copy-paste of except for a few things taken from and workarounds when things do not go as planned.

Where are the error logs when you need them?

Apache will also log errors to:


Stefan notes: in case of panic you can try to grep -R in /var/log for PHP Fatal error

Benjamin Doherty says this is covered in the DGD7 environment chapter.

Upgrading Drush from 2 to 3 with lenny

As root:
Find drush under PHP.

At the bottom of the information about the drush package, there's an i that means installed next to 2.0 and a p that means no packages or config files or anything are present next to drush 3.3.

Type + when the drush 3.3 line is highlighted.

Then type g to upgrade (twice, first it takes us to a confirmation page).

Note: On Agaric's servers the package list is updated daily by a cron job, but updating the package list can be invoked by hitting u if necessary.

Failure of a large form (by Drupal module Bubbletimer) to submit, Suhosin post max variables error in Apache log

I originally posted the problem to the Bubbletimer module issue queue, Unable to save (pressing Save button has no effect).

The error can be seen be seen on the server by looking at the Apache error log:

sudo tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log

Try to submit the 20 activity form, and nothing happens on the Drupal /bubbletimer page, but this error shows up in the log:

Server blocking someone who should have access? Try etc/hosts.allow

Blocked and receiving an error "ssh: connect to host" "port 22: Connection refused", Stefan added the IP address where this was not working to the hosts allow file, and explained the system.

There's two relevant files: /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny

/etc/hosts.deny is updated by the denyhosts package based on attacks and suspicious behaviour. it can be overridden by /etc/hosts.allow

An entry consists of a service, such as ssh, and a number of IP addresses.

Create a new user on Agaric's test server at MayFirst/PeopleLink

Creating a public key

The user to be added (we'll call him Andrew) types this in his terminal:


Then he sends his public key to the person acting as sysadmin at the moment. As an e-mail attachment is fine. For users not used to the command line it can be hard to find the public key in a hidden .ssh folder, but it is possible to use scp to put it on a server both the user and the acting sysadmin have access to.

Adding the user to the server

The sysadmin then logs into the test server and uses standard Debian commands:

Deploying the Agaric way


Where we come from

After journeying from Capistrano to Vlad we eventually use pure Rake tasks for our deployment. While Vlad was a great improvement it also had downsides. Lack of feedback from tasks made it hard to tell why they failed. Also the most interesting feature of those deployment tools is not required in our case: The ability to roll out to many servers at the same time.

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