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PowerToExchange: towards a business plan and proposal

Kathryn, business manager.

Fishbone diagram:

  • what could go wrong
  • what would increase the cost?

So he can see what would cause it to cost more.

So what are the features

Site easy to use.

Not time consuming unless they want it to be.

And actually connects them with people who have ideas.

People can vote, click on a thing to say "I like this idea"

Connect them to people who are entrepreneurs.

Connect them to people who are willing to invest.

Marketing budget.

Do we know any lawyers? (Yes.)

Pretty quickly people will want to have contracts drawn up about investing in other people's business.

We can refer lawyers, they would be willing to pay for this opportunity.

We can get a good idea of these prices.

$100 monthly fee to have their name on the web site, and then 5% of anyone who comes there.



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