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Inline Read More links for teasers when output as one of several fields in a View with a row style of field

See also:

displaying read more in teaser view list

I did this with a crazy use of calling ed_readmore functions in template.php for a views template preprocess function. Do not attempt by trial and error, i can get the code from openmedia's repository.

Agaric Design core principles and motivation

Money is always good, but the the main motivation of the team [is] making the business successful, doing things we can be proud of, showing the world we do things better and by our rules.

– Dan Hakimzadeh

what new are we bringing to Drupal?

Remove the main content title from the front page of the site

Sometimes we have a lot of blocks from views and such on our front page, going where the content usually goes, so we don't want our front page to be the /node stream. We could make it a View page but if all the other Views are blocks, it seems wrong to play favorites (and may be annoying for theming or changing things later). Plus, it's nice to have that one node for the little bit of (easily editable) static content.

Here's the function for "example" theme's template.php to remove the page title:

Upgrading a Drupal 6 site to Drupal 7

These are notes for what will be an Appendix in the Definitive Guide to Drupal 7.

Before we do anything to try to upgrade a site, we back it up. We also never upgrade the live, production instance of a site, but a copy. (At least the first time.

[gotcha] If copying over the entire code of a site, make absolutely certain that we have changed the database connection settings in settings.php. Especially if we are (and we shouldn't be, but if we are) on the same server as our live site. [/gotcha]

The benefit of contracting with a collective over hiring an employee

Hello ________,

Thank you for following up.

No one at Agaric is looking for employment but the collective is available for contracting. Some companies find that a long-term contract with a small, Drupal-focused collective gets them the best of both worlds: a stable relationship with a primary contact who learns the ins and outs of their system plus the ability to draw on the skills and resources of a team as the needs of the project demand. Please let me know if you are interested.

Agaric's policy on releasing code

[We wrote this to a potential new client in 2007.]

I do want to address one item in the request for information early on:

"All business plan, content and code are confidential and are to be owned by
the client and released at their sole discretion."

The only issue here is with "code".

Send an e-mail to an administrator when a new user registers on a Drupal 7 site

10:13 benjamin-agaric: Drupal 7 - the simplest way to have an administrator e-mailed when a new user signs up? Can't find any core setting and no trigger does it either? Seems we should have a way to get this functionality short of Rules module... thoughs?
10:22 benjamin-agaric: Answer: it can be done through Drupal core- an advanced action simply has to be configured first at admin/config/system/actions/configure and then back to trigger configuration.

Server blocking someone who should have access? Try etc/hosts.allow

Blocked and receiving an error "ssh: connect to host" "port 22: Connection refused", Stefan added the IP address where this was not working to the hosts allow file, and explained the system.

There's two relevant files: /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny

/etc/hosts.deny is updated by the denyhosts package based on attacks and suspicious behaviour. it can be overridden by /etc/hosts.allow

An entry consists of a service, such as ssh, and a number of IP addresses.

Do not link to the page we are currently on

Is this a generally accepted concept that links on a page should never go to that page itself?

Found this: "No link in a menu should simply reload the page itself"

How to do it:

Menu System - Drupal API

Export and re-import a database with Drush and the command line

These are run from the project's web root, example/web, so that drush can run, but the database itself is stored outside the web root, example/db.

On the export side:

drush sql-dump > ../db/development.sql

On the import side:

drush sql-connect < ../db/development.sql

expands to:

mysql -hlocalhost -uexample -pyMsx2rIP drupal-example < ../db/development.sql

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