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Install Claws Mail on Ubuntu

How to install Claws Mail, "the user-friendly, lightweight, and fast e-mail client" on Ubuntu:

Capture all sent mail locally with Postfix

For development, you don't want any e-mail sent to the outside world, but you do want to be able to see all mail your sites or application try to send. Here is a configuration of Postfix to do that.

The trick is to BCC everything to a local user, and discard without error any other sending.

This is based on several guides and Q&As online but well, none of them worked for me, so here's exactly what i did (minus all the missteps).

Disabling Drupal's default notifications to the administrator when a user registers

This is not tested, but running this code (in an update hook, via Drush php-eval, however) should prevent Drupal from sending its notifications to the site e-mail address when a new, pending approval user registers:

Setting up Mailchimp module version 7.x-2.0

To do anything with the module, you need to connect it to your Mailchimp account. The settings page admin/config/services/mailchimp is where you put your Mailchimp's list API in.

To get this API go to /account/api when logged in to and say add a key. I know this feels weird, as you don't have a key to add, but in fact it will create an API key for you.

Block all variations of a GMail e-mail address

Other projects and ideas / questions / solutions in this general ideaspaceHow can I block a spammer from repeatedly registering?

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Send an e-mail to an administrator when a new user registers on a Drupal 7 site

10:13 benjamin-agaric: Drupal 7 - the simplest way to have an administrator e-mailed when a new user signs up? Can't find any core setting and no trigger does it either? Seems we should have a way to get this functionality short of Rules module... thoughs?
10:22 benjamin-agaric: Answer: it can be done through Drupal core- an advanced action simply has to be configured first at admin/config/system/actions/configure and then back to trigger configuration.

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