User login


move user search tab from search/user to admin/people/search

Agaric decided to make a contributed module to do this:

See that project page. The below is mostly notes on wrong turns!

It would be nice if this just used a different permission other than a person's ability to access profiles:

Disabling Drupal's default notifications to the administrator when a user registers

This is not tested, but running this code (in an update hook, via Drush php-eval, however) should prevent Drupal from sending its notifications to the site e-mail address when a new, pending approval user registers:

Drupal (Site Builder) Usability module

the Drupal usability module, Book module edition:

move Book module's Add child page link to the action links location.

make an Add book action item (or items if multiple content types are enabled) to the book listing page at admin/content/book

Content Gallery

actually, you'd want to see an example of one entity of each entity type per build mode! All conveniently linking to the respective manage displays page.


Boost caching: what refreshes it and how?

A normal (node) page triggers the Drupal-integrated Boost cache to expire and replace the page whenever you edit it. Editing a view unfortunately does not have such triggers. In this case the views are attached to a node, so simply resaving the node rebuilds the cache.

In most cases the view itself will not be modified, rather, you will add or edit a node associated with a view which also refreshes the cache for that views pages. (Note this takes a bit of processing to look up, and i don't think it will apply for blocks.)

Trac administration with real examples

Run trac-admin commands on the server hosting the trac sites. In our Debian server setup at least, individual projects are in the /srv/trac/ directory, and every trac-admin command should be followed by the path to the project you care about.

For more information than man will give you, use:

trac-admin help

To make a user an admin (I believe this will automatically create a new user if it has to) --

trac-admin /srv/trac/example permission add username TRAC_ADMIN

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