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Install Claws Mail on Ubuntu

How to install Claws Mail, "the user-friendly, lightweight, and fast e-mail client" on Ubuntu:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:claws-mail/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install claws-mail

No endorsement— merely considering playing with it at this point, but although their downloads section helpfully links to how to add their repository's ppa (Personal Package Archive) it doesn't mention what the package name is to install it.

Used aptitude to find it after adding the PPA and doing that update; in retrospect i'm guessing package names are right there in the ppa link, after the tilde: claws-mail



Hey Ben. Thanks for the heads-up on this app. It looks interesting.

Used aptitude to find it

You could also do apt-cache search claws, and to see what versions are available, apt-cache madison claws-mail.

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