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Emfield video thumbnails disappearing

This is incorrect

Just update to the latest version. See for the fun story behind it.

Emfield module must be configured to have a custom directory to store its thumbnails in, otherwise the thumbnails are put in sites/default/files as temporary files (status zero), and are cleared out when cron runs.

Agaric would like to sync Tomboy / Gnote with a Drupal site like Data.Agaric

Should be quite possible as Tomboy notes are saved in XML; not finding anyone doing it.

In Drupal, it would make sense to make Tomboy notes their own content type, so they could have their special linking, but full web content with pictures and taxonomy and all that good stuff would be separate, and could reference/include Tomboy notes.

Upgrading from Drupal 7 alpha 6 to Drupal 7 beta 2

This isn't pretty. And i've probably left out a critical step.

Core concepts: making some changes directly in the database. Enabling head2head and alpha2alpha in the database (setting both status and schema_version). Manually commenting out the update hooks that i did in the database to make user module's updates work so that alpha2alpha's can work.

Setting the line in alpha2alpha.module to give the current version:

  $version = variable_get('alpha2alpha_version', 7);

Drupal Work Collective Book Sprint Cape Cod II

Drupal Work Collective plans.


Power strip (ben)
Power squid (dan)
More powerful wifi (dan ben - not sure if it's good enough though)


Bring from Agaric HQ North Natick:

Late payment policy

Work does not begin until first payment is received. Late payments incur a 1% fee every two months.

See Drupal 7 permissions internal system names

Asked in IRC #drupal

has anyone made a Drupal 7 module for seeing the system names for all permissions? (now the Permissions UI uses human-friendly names and descriptions)

No response.

Update: This has been incorporated into Xray.

A visual online commerce distribution and hosted service

draft proposal

Given the many small businesses with no online shop or one that is not serving their or their customer's needs, Agaric intends to release an online commerce distribution and hosted service (with collaborators?) built on Drupal 7 and the Commerce module.

Market research

Worthy competitors, turn-key shops to compare:

Agaric description of services for

Agaric makes powerful web sites for people who do things. As a collective of skilled workers, Agaric works with you and open source free software communities to develop tools and build platforms that meet your needs.

Drupal is the world of code and community we choose to inhabit fully: to build sites with, to consult on, to share knowledge about, to contribute extensions and improvements to, and to end sentences with prepositions for.

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