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Upgrading from Drupal 7 alpha 6 to Drupal 7 beta 2

This isn't pretty. And i've probably left out a critical step.

Core concepts: making some changes directly in the database. Enabling head2head and alpha2alpha in the database (setting both status and schema_version). Manually commenting out the update hooks that i did in the database to make user module's updates work so that alpha2alpha's can work.

Setting the line in alpha2alpha.module to give the current version:

  $version = variable_get('alpha2alpha_version', 7);

Theming update.php and install.php not possible- Drupal hardcodes them to use Minelli

Drupal hardcodes minelli to be the theme for the update.php and install.php pages. Stupid.

  • Minnelli is always used for the initial install and update operations. In
  • other cases, "settings.php" must have a "maintenance_theme" key set for the
  • $conf variable in order to change the maintenance theme.

    // Install and update pages are treated differently to prevent theming overrides.
    if (defined('MAINTENANCE_MODE') && (MAINTENANCE_MODE == 'install' || MAINTENANCE_MODE == 'update')) {
    $theme = 'minnelli';

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