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Updating your Rakefile and syncing content

As when working on any Agaric project that may not have had maintenance done on it in a while, update the Rakefile to be in line with current processes.

First, make sure your Vlad checkout is up-to-date. Go to it cd ~/vlad (in my case, i symlinked Vlad's true location to my home folder so he can find it. On my system Vlad's true location is /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8/i686-linux/vlad/) and git pull.

cd ~/code/projectname
mv Rakefile RakefileOLD
cp /home/ben/vlad/Rakefile Rakefile
diff -up

Talmud: Git version-controlled, free, open, collaboratively-written books the way G-d intended

Having experienced writing an epic tech book - 36 authors and 36 chapters and no, it did not break down nice and neat like that - we are convinced there is a better way than the traditional publishing model. Drawing on the tradition of open source free software about which we wrote, we propose donation-funded, completely free and open texts of superior quality and timeliness, marked by clean mark-up and powered by technologies of collaboration.

LLC registration with the IRS, take 1

Internal Revenue Service United States Department of the Treasury

EIN Assistant

* Your Progress:
* 1. Identity
* 2. Authenticate
* 3. Addresses
* 4. Details
* 5. EIN Confirmation

Summary of your information

Please review the information you are about to submit. If any of the information below is incorrect, you will need to start a new application.
Click the "Submit" button at the bottom of the page to receive your EIN.

Organization Type: LLC

LLC Information

Equal compensation as an efficiency and productivity competitive advantage

or, "How i became a communist for business purposes"

An e-mail titled "Income, unbilled work, and expenses" is where i turned, while writing it.

My initial position had been that the source of money for Agaric is client work. Therefore, we only get paid for client work. We want to do other things and we will, but if you don't track it and bill it, you don't get paid.

Joining a Credit Union

Having chosen a credit union over banks, the next step is joining one.

The catch with credit unions is being eligible. No one in Agaric qualified for Alliant, for example, mentioned by some people as the best alternative to the USAA for non-military people. This difficulty makes joining a credit union more challenging than simply choosing one.

Terminal-style syntax highlighting

For documenting on Drupal web sites steps taken on the command line, Agaric would like syntax highlighting of the sort GitHub is using. Note that it is adding a class to the pre tag, and then using spans within that!

Perhaps could be added as a feature to the Code filter module.

Enhance your prompt with git information

Git provides a series of enhancements for the bash prompt. It can display the current branch when inside a working copy. Here's an example from my machine:
{syntaxhighlighter brush: bash; gutter: false}
stefan@debian:~/Documents/Projects/Drupal/test(master *)$
It shows the branch name and indicates by an asterisk that I have uncommitted changes.

Areas to investigate regarding forming a worker-owned collective

[very rough first brainstorm]

In the form of questions to be asked of other web shops, Drupal companies, startups, multinational corporations, radical organizations, etc.

What is your legal structure? Why was this chosen?

What are your decision-making processes?

What are your hiring policies?

How do you handle, taxwise and legally, international employees? Contractors?

What do you do for health insurance? What are your policies for receiving?

How do you decide who does what?

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