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ProxyCommand error

This week's lesson in internet connectivity is a variation of the classic debugging best practice blame yourself first.

Attempting to ssh into server set up in .ssh/config as "example" with

ssh example</a> resulted in:

/usr/bin/netcat: No such file or directory
ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host

This error was not caused by the far-off server i was trying to reach, but by our intermediary server being used to do the proxy.

Cannot merge error message from Git likely due to an added but uncommitted file

"would be overwritten by merge. Cannot merge."

Git tells you which file it is. Use git status to see if it is added but not committed. Commit it. Do the merge again. It'll probably work.

In the future, check your local state before pulling (or performing an Agaric Capistrano task that includes pulling a commit back down locally).

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