User login


For usability, Drupal should focus on the first relevant form field

For a basic, but nice, usability improvement Drupal, for all pages where a form is the center of attention, the first form field that people should type in should have the keyboard focus given to it.

Here's a method for doing it with JQuery:

Reinvite module: using the Drupal user_pass_reset_url function

Reinvite module: (mis)using Drupal's core function to generate instant login links for long-lost users.

All the answers we need are in the user password submit function:

Agaric wants a "create users" permission for Drupal

Drupal should add a "create users" permission, split out from administer users, because this is a useful privilege for certain roles to have.

For instance, managers of organic groups should be able to create users that they can then add to their group. They should not be able to administer users (edit or delete existing users).


Photo management software for Linux
- may be safest-- as the default on Ubuntu, this should be expected to be the one that at the least has the most migration scripts written for it eventually to better options!


Drupal search unpublished content

No answer:
How Can I Search Unpublished Content?

Romania had a similar issue:
Can't access unpublished content that needs editing

Delete all nodes of a given content type with code ('cause, say, you're using Drupal 4.7)

Adapted from Kathleen Murtaugh's How to make mass changes to nodes in Drupal, just replacing most of the interesting parts with simply node_delete.

Code for Amazing Things online fundraising auction, the Drupal 4.7 corpse i reanimate year after year.

Allow anonymous users to contact registered users through Drupal's personal contact form

Combined with an anti-spam service or CAPTCHA, it's much preferable to allow anonymous visitors to access registered users' personal contact forms than to have e-mail addresses posted publicly on the site.

This issue has patches for 4.7, 5.x, 6.x, and will hopefully get into 7.x core:

Allow anonymous users access to a members personal contact form


Allow people to upload user pictures during registration

Well that's annoying.

Spend a good chunk of time creating a module to address a need, return to the thread that's been discussing it since 2006 June to post your efforts and discover it's just been updated to report that the module has been around since 2007 November.

[Download Agaric's user_reg_picture module anyway.]

Agaric wants smarter timing for when automatic path creation should replace an existing path or be added in addition to

The idea is that if a post is edited right away, say within five minutes, and the title is changed, the new human and SEO-friendly path might best replace the old path.

Especially if a title is changed before the post is marked published, the first-created automatic text path should be replaced.

This new module or enhancement to pathauto could let you set which roles have these decisions automatically applied, and which roles the user gets asked for their input.

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