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Disable Trackpad Tap to click Ubuntu and HP Pavillion

Disable Trackpad Tap to click

hp pavilion dv6000 turn off trackpad clicks
hp pavilion dv6000 turn off trackpad tap to click ubuntu

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Synaptics Touchpad"
Driver "synaptics"
Option "SendCoreEvents" "true"
Option "Device" "/dev/psaux"
Option "Protocol" "auto-dev"
Option "HorizEdgeScroll" "0"
Option "MaxTapTime" "0"

Installing Tweetdeck on Ubuntu 9.04 64bit

So you wanna get TweetDeck rocking out on Ubuntu 9.04 64 bit?

First, you have to get Adobe Air installed:

Grabbed most of the important bits from


Localhost from a virtualbox XP install on Ubuntu

So you've got yourself a shiny new laptop, installed ubuntu and virtualbox and now you have a version of windows xp running nicely in a window.
But that's not enough for you is it? You want to be able to see your local environment from your XP install too, so you fire up IE and goto http://localhost, but it ain't there!!

well, have you tried ??

do it


Stop phpMyAdmin from logging you out in your own local environment (Ubuntu)

vi /etc/phpmyadmin/

You may need to use sudo; vim will warn you if you try editing a read-only file.

Edit an existing LoginCookieValidity setting if any, or (as in our case) add the following to the bottom of the file.

(Note that in vim you can search with /LoginCookieValidity and, if finding nothing, go to the end of the file with :999 -- actually that's go to line 999 which is just as good in this case, there's a command to do it for real too). Then you can press i to insert text:

My Ubuntu Environment

How to set up Ubuntu so it works with Ben's head.

Clipboard history:
sudo apt-get install glipper

Graphical diff/merge tool:
sudo apt-get install meld

More Ubuntu Configuration Tips

from Dan:

CompizConfic: Check off, under extras, Windows Preview, to see the windows when you alt tab.


Tomboy GNU-Linux Gnome notetaking application on Mac OS X

The open source free software world once again proves better than the locked-down proprietary world on truly wanted features with Tomboy:

Wireless Problems on HP Pavilion dv6000: Ubuntu or bad hardware?

Wireless suddenly stopped working on my mother's Ubuntu-ized HP laptop.

It's the lousy hardware all by itself:

Photo management software for Linux
- may be safest-- as the default on Ubuntu, this should be expected to be the one that at the least has the most migration scripts written for it eventually to better options!


Replacing Windows with Ubuntu on an HP Pavilion Entertainment Notebook PC

Installing Ubuntu Hardy Heron on a new HP Pavilion dv6910us

[UPDATE: Wifi issues fixed finally with upgrade to Intrepid Ibix]

could not resolve

At least one other person temporarily got that error back in 2007:

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