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Install Drupal 7 from the command line... with Drush, of course

Given a Drupal installation (that is, drush dl drupal), Drush can fully install Drupal, even creating the database if it has permission.

drush site-install standard --account-name=admin --account-pass=[useruser_pass] --db-url=mysql://[db_user]:[db_pass]@localhost/[db_name]

Or, shorter:
drush si --db-url=mysql://[db_user]:[db_pass]@localhost/[db_name]

(The profile defaults to standard, and the account name and account pass to 'admin'.)

The site name flag is --site-name=yada

Using Drush 3.1 by installing it in your local user directory

The version of drush in Debian is way behind. Drush 3.1 has been out for a month, Drush reached stable 3.0 on April 23.

Stefan was unsympathetic:

That does not mean the package is ready. What the upstream authors consider stable and the Debian community considers stable might be different things, too. Quality is Debian's top priority not up to date software. In addition to that it will only get into the next stable distro and maybe into the backports repository. In that case we get the upgrade automatically.

Installing Tweetdeck on Ubuntu 9.04 64bit

So you wanna get TweetDeck rocking out on Ubuntu 9.04 64 bit?

First, you have to get Adobe Air installed:

Grabbed most of the important bits from


Agaric hereby claims the install* project namespace on for all modules that install and configure

So long as the best way to automate the setup of Drupal modules is in another module, we should claim a namespace for that. For modules not spaces and context, that namespace can be install* or install_*

What I most want this for right now is not for deploying a new site but for doing development work on a site. For instance, it would be fantastic to encode all of this setup in a module:

Access Drupal functions and session from a PHP script in a site subdirectory

If you want to use Drupal sessions and the logged in user object from a straight PHP script not at Drupal root but somewhere in subdirectories in a site, you will probably need to do something like I endend up doing in profiles/scf/switch.php to impersonate the Drupal site root directory.

In fact, I think the partial installation profile idea might need something like this.

(Skip down to resolution.)

Some test output code used to figure out what the domains and sessions were doing:

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