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Using Drush 3.1 by installing it in your local user directory

The version of drush in Debian is way behind. Drush 3.1 has been out for a month, Drush reached stable 3.0 on April 23.

Stefan was unsympathetic:

That does not mean the package is ready. What the upstream authors consider stable and the Debian community considers stable might be different things, too. Quality is Debian's top priority not up to date software. In addition to that it will only get into the next stable distro and maybe into the backports repository. In that case we get the upgrade automatically.

But i need my drush 3 for Drupal 7 compatibility.

Stefan offered the solution of Drush 3 in the home dir of the project user and change the path so that it is found before the package drush in the .bashrc of that user.

Here's how to do it, for a user called Definitive Drupal:

definitivedrupal@sojourner:~$ wget
tar xzvf drush-6.x-3.1.tar.gz
chmod 555 drush/drush
mkdir bin
mkdir local
mv drush local/
ln -s ~/local/drush/drush ~/bin/drush


vi .bashrc

Added this at the bottom:

# Use user's local drush (Drupal 7 requires drush 3)
export PATH=/home/members/agariclabs/sites/$PATH

source .bashrc


Searched words: 
drush 3 which values read first bash path just export the path putting something like home/dgd7/bin first export PATH after the PATH= line an alias or is there a classier way to change the path


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