User login

Agaric wants a "create users" permission for Drupal

Drupal should add a "create users" permission, split out from administer users, because this is a useful privilege for certain roles to have.

For instance, managers of organic groups should be able to create users that they can then add to their group. They should not be able to administer users (edit or delete existing users).


Searched words: 
drupal create user should be split out as a permission add users access control


I totally agree. I asked for

I totally agree. I asked for this issue in various drupal forum without being answered. Did you find how to manage the question?

Not yet

It hasn't become pressing enough for us to really try for a solution, but link to some of your posts and maybe we can create (or more likely find) an issue for making these permissions more fine-grained in Drupal 7.

Update! This exists! AdministerUsersByRole module.

Alternative to PWN when the needs are simpler:

assign role drupal permission

drupal create users without "administer access control" permission
drupal create user permission

Aha! I see that giving the role administer users permission without giving them create users permission prevents them from being able to create users. This is not intuitive, nor is it completely helpful. It's the opposite of how you'd expect this module to behave. The big problem is that user role is still able to list users and edit 'user settings'.

Dunno, think that guy's wrong, it should work:

Yes. Stefan's using it. You enable the module, it creates no settings page, just adds permissions to admin/user/permission

You then need to use role_delegate (though i bet role assign would work too, role delegate is recommended by administerusersbyrole) to be able to assign roles to those users when you create them.

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