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Writing Help Documentation for Drupal Developers and Administrators: Tools needed

Kathleen: I want to be able to click on a link to write help on admin pages.

We have to be able to integrate this with the advanced_help

Wow. The Advanced Help Injection and Export module,
is already a good bit there.

Filed an issue asking about getting the rest of the way there

Clipboard manager with snippets for Ubuntu?

Mac! But not Linux! Clyppan is what i'm using now. Adequate but history-only. See for selected clippings and history.

Glipper, installable through the graphical package manager, is only a clipboard history and isn't doing it for me; it's not even as good as Clyppan.

Easily adding content found in pubmed to your Drupal Biblio (and Agaric) enhanced site

After dreaming about using views to query other databases, namely pubmed... and having an import button for the content you really want... I realized that rather than writing views understanding of authors and mesh terms and titles to be able to add to the URL query entrez wonderfully allows us to query PubMed and other databases with.... it would be far, far easier to give the people who need to find articles an 'import this article' button in the browser.

Agaric wants a "Save and edit button" button for all content forms

Time for us to get Form Tweak up on!

There are enough use cases, these modifications to "Save" (and the surprisingly frequent request to remove preview) to put the module out for others to use (and post endless feature requests against, heh).

I would like to store the variables in files rather than the variable table, though.

Index and search specified fields for nodereference autocomplete

Exclude certain fields from Drupal search.

Agaric and Science Collaboration's real need for this is for AJAX autocompletion, the sort of function used to autocomplete taxonomy, userreference, and nodereferrence fields. It would be great not to have to create a custom indexing system each time you want autocomplete to act on certain fields.

A way to disable modules, functionality, and cron hooks in different environments

In on use case, feeds as nodes (with FeedAPI) causes issues with dbscripts approach to managing staging and deployment. Dev and live will pull the same content with a different IDs. In one solution, we'll have to disable aggregation on development.

Do we have a module for that? "if at this address, force this module to disabled." Not that we can find.

It is a shame this isn't part of settings.php

Take a site into Read Only mode while upgrades are performed on a staging site

When you have a web site

There's got to be a module for that... (6 only, lots of configuration)

Report-back to this thread:

Admin switch to make site read-only


Sharing VirtualBox Ubuntu folder with Mac OS X host [not successful]

These directions are the same as we tried.

Could not get it to work, used ssh instead.

For instance, from what happens to be named 'ubuntu' folder, via Mac OS X terminal:

scp -P 2222 localhost:/home/ben/.ssh/ ubuntu/

Form User Interface for very large taxonomy trees with multiple select

We have a tricky user interface problem for taxonomy.

We have a very large hierarchical vocabulary, and multiple terms can be selected.

Currently the tree is much too large to reasonably navigate and control-click, control-click the terms one-by-one without a disastrous mistake

As it stands now SCF's project manager would prefer a type-ahead completion like free tagging terms get.


Access Drupal functions and session from a PHP script in a site subdirectory

If you want to use Drupal sessions and the logged in user object from a straight PHP script not at Drupal root but somewhere in subdirectories in a site, you will probably need to do something like I endend up doing in profiles/scf/switch.php to impersonate the Drupal site root directory.

In fact, I think the partial installation profile idea might need something like this.

(Skip down to resolution.)

Some test output code used to figure out what the domains and sessions were doing:

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