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Agaric wants Drupal photo gallery with mass upload where albums can belong to people who set access per picture

(Note: When the headline is "Agaric wants" it's nearly always benjamin because he's the whiny one.)

Agaric wants Drupal photo galleries (with mass upload capability, of course) where albums can belong to people who set access per picture.

There is definitely a module for Drupal 5 at least that will allow pictures to be uploaded in bulk, such as by FTP, and then processed into image nodes in Drupal.

AVI to Flash conversion and taking still images from video files

AVI to Flash

Apparently, converting to Flash is pretty easy with open source tools:

AVI to PNG or JPEG screenshots

And getting screenshots directly from AVI is not so easy...

GNU but Windows only:

A commercial option:

Ask Agaric: Copying webforms

Is it currently possible to clone webforms? This would save a lot of time. If it is possible right now, please let me know how to do it.

The node clone module should do it (see )


Relating nodes by taxonomy with Views 2 relationships?

benjamin-agaric: a Views 2 question-- we have two content types (one for images, one for posts) connected to the same vocabulary, we would like a view of the images (actually a CCK field on a node type) where the link from the image goes to the single post tagged with that term. Now I'm thinking this is such an edge case I should just do it in the theme like always. But--

[these next messages were all sent pretty much simultaneously]

merlinofchaos: You probably need a custom field for that.

PayPal in Drupal 6 as of 2008 November: Three options... in dev

All three are in a fairly advanced state of development for Drupal 6 (but no release candidates yet), stable for Drupal 5:


Agaric wants to create a new text file with a keyboard shortcut in Mac OS X

Agaric wants to create a new text file with a keyboard shortcut in Mac OS X... until this half of Agaric gets over to Ubuntu.

An aside regarding Ubuntu: Is this functionality already in Ubuntu? Can you create basic file types from the file navigation tool? Is it easy to make keyboard shortcuts?

NuFile makes a contextual menu (not a File or Services menu) that I do not know how to create a keyboard shortcut to. (I guess I should appreciate the ability to create a new file at all.)

Agaric wants Drupal to upload files with any or no extension and stop being a pain about it

Agaric is not alone: Allow any files to be uploaded or make "Permitted upload file extensions" a required field

The workaround of adding the file name to the "extension" list didn't work for us though for a file called "Capfile" (with no extension, of course).

Adding a .txt extension to the file for now. But may I say: annoying!


Voice over IP without the untrustworthy Skype

Stefan Freudenberg:
Hi. I have setup an Ekiga account. Do you have something like that, too?

Benjamin Melançon:
Stefan Freudenberg

It's a voip service.

Benjamin Melançon
looks like one of my better bets on Mac
and given proof of Skype's evilness, I'm all for it

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