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Agaric wants Drupal photo gallery with mass upload where albums can belong to people who set access per picture

(Note: When the headline is "Agaric wants" it's nearly always benjamin because he's the whiny one.)

Agaric wants Drupal photo galleries (with mass upload capability, of course) where albums can belong to people who set access per picture.

There is definitely a module for Drupal 5 at least that will allow pictures to be uploaded in bulk, such as by FTP, and then processed into image nodes in Drupal.

The access-per-photograph feature should be doable with organic groups, but we need to ensure that this capability is exposed as an action which is further exposed to views, so that the user can go through a lot of pictures and check off the ones they want to make public (or private).

This would be a general feature for browsing a list of nodes (or a grid in the case of photos, probably) and performing the action of making a public post or a group-only post.

That's the fun of Drupal: taking a complex problem and combining awesome well-established solutions so that all you need to do is build a tiny piece to implement exactly what you want... and your tiny piece can be a big benefit to others, too!

Now just to do it...


Searched words: 
photography gallery bulk upload ability


EXIF, geolocation and Tags

The universal solution would include auto-reading of EXIF, geolocation, and other metadata which the photographer has typically already taggedinto the photograph within their asset management program. MAQUM is a D5 solution, . Also, there is an EXIF php library, .

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