User login


Allow anonymous users to contact registered users through Drupal's personal contact form

Combined with an anti-spam service or CAPTCHA, it's much preferable to allow anonymous visitors to access registered users' personal contact forms than to have e-mail addresses posted publicly on the site.

This issue has patches for 4.7, 5.x, 6.x, and will hopefully get into 7.x core:

Allow anonymous users access to a members personal contact form


Drush unable to checkout from CVS error

drush Unable to checkout from

Fortunately, someone smarter than me solved the problem for themselves in three minutes on #drupal-support:

<phpgirl> Anyone here use "drush"? I'm trying to install a module and I get "Unable to checkout views from"
<phpgirl> Ah, it would help if I actually had "cvs" installed, heh

Confirmed that this was my problem with the negative non-answers to these commands:

man cvs
cvs --version

And then installed CVS:

Ask Agaric: Magic copy non-Drupal tab with content to Drupal? No

What's the easiest way to get content from the IBO to the MCJ website? You showed me how to add tabs, but if I wanted to essentially copy and paste the "Projects" tab (Kenya, Nigieria, etc) onto a tab to be created on MCJ, is that something I could do with my god-like powers, or is this something that either needs to be done by you (or is easier for you to do) when the website changes hands?

I'm sure I'll have more questions soon-ish.

Display a Drupal login form anywhere with PHP, including in page content

Update: I gave slightly incorrect code, I'm pretty sure swapping out 'user_register' to put in 'user_login' will work just fine:

dan hak 3:08
whats the code for the login block

benjamin melançon 3:09

Ask Agaric: Upload photos and display them on a page with introduction

Hi Ben,

I have some things like photos and some audio files and whatnot I could add to the site.

How do I know where something will end up and how it will be listed on the menus? For some reason I haven't figured that out.

For example, say I want to upload 10 photos from the old contest and want to show them on a page that also has brief text about the last contest. What menu/s will it show up under. Same for a couple of podcast files.

Is it easier for me to just make these entries part of my blog posts?


Ask Agaric: Can we add a menu item that...

Once some people get a little familiar with doing things with Drupal, it seems all further requests come as subsidiary requirements of the important thing: creating a menu item.

That's not really where I, as a web developer, want to come in on the conversation.

Someone tell me, am I making sense? What should I say?

More broadly: what should the relationship be, what should we as the alleged experts be asking our clients to do, in circumstances where their own inclination or financial situation is such that they need to do as much as possible themselves?

Pathauto 2 is pretty picky. And a bully. What finally made it happy.

So even as the help text says raw versions are dangerous, Pathauto version 2 badgers you into using [title-raw], [user-raw], etc. So just put that in right away, and it won't yell at you.

The other trick to make Pathauto happy on the first try is that a Blog path (and other node types) does not take [user] or [user-raw]. Instead, you should put in [author-name-raw].

I expect it will get more user-friendly (and export and import of patterns would be really nice) but it's one of the must-have modules no matter what.

Moving a MySQL Database by Command Line Interface

mysqldump -u root -p internetbar_live > internetbar_backup.sql

(should gzip here)

This command compresses the file database.sql and replaces it -- deletes it -- with the compressed .gz file database.sql.gz

gzip database.sql

scp ben@ internetbar_backup.sql

On the other end if you compressed, uncompress:

gunzip database.sql.gz

Note: tar is for making an archive of multiple files.

Unknown column 'price_interval' on fresh install of Drupal e-commerce

Errors on installing pretty much all of e-commerce 3 at once:

See list of MySQL databases via GNU Linux shell command line

Dirty secret is this will work with Windows or anything else that runs MySQL, as well as the recommended Debian, Ubuntu, Red Hat / RHEL (which is what CentOS really is) etc.

mysql -u root -p

(The long form, which is quite unnecessary, is " mysql --user=user-name --password=your-password")

Once in the MySQL command line utility:


Then to see what's in a particular database:

USE agaric_example

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