User login


Enabling and disabling modules based on environment

A drush command. Text file with modules to enable on dev, and then run it manually or somehow automatically.

drush? make text file with all the modules and git it to drush pm_enable

If we have a defined practice for environment-specific module enabling/disabling and i'd love to disable views_ui, update, etc. on live

It would be run after sync commands-- pull data from live, but then enable update on the test site, and all site building modules on dev

Check if a given uid has a given permission (a query to avoid user_load)

a good D7 query for determining if a user has a specific permission
via agentrickard

what's wrong with user_access('permission', $account) ?

it requires a user_load_multiple() (a user_load to get the roles on the account, turning in the ID is not enough)

which is wasteful if you can do it at the query level

you could see what queries that function runs

it seems like that is a somewhat complicated thing to work out
since users can belong to many roles

how many users is this for at a time? I'd just use user_load() + user_access().

committing a project to gitorious

[cut from DGD7 since came around in time]

Tip The public key for a user on our UNIX-like computer or virtual machine can usually be found in a file located in our user's .ssh folder in a file named (less ~/.ssh/, or by creating a public-private key pair if necessary (ssh-keygen).

cd remarkup
git checkout master
git remote add origin
git push origin master

Staying Free: Contributing to Drupal and the World by Building Our Collaboration Infrastructure

Talk Description: *
[The talk will cover the concepts of the below, but shorter and better and more specific where it matters and the presenter will be better looking than and more articulate than i am in reality, too.]

Our software is free.

We are free.

Both are in part because we are craftspeople who can be compensated quite well. We have remarkable control over our work, and we have time to put into building Free Software and the community around it.

This fortune and freedom is historically crushed out of every trade.

Having a show all content result from SOLR as a filterable listing page

stefan-agaric: this is how you can get all items from the solr index[%TO%]
15:44 stefan-agaric: this also works
15:46 mlncn: nice-- how do we actually do it in the search field though?

Listing content that belongs to a union or intersection of taxonomy terms in Drupal 7

There's a major regression in Drupal 7 compared to Drupal 6: the taxonomy/term/1,2,3 and taxonomy/term/1+2+3 style listing pages no longer work, coldly replying page not found.

This is very sad:

My naive issue 'hey we missed this'

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