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Listing content that belongs to a union or intersection of taxonomy terms in Drupal 7Listing content that belongs to a union or intersection of taxonomy terms in Drupal 7
Submitted by Benjamin Melançon on February 15, 2011 - 9:33pm
There's a major regression in Drupal 7 compared to Drupal 6: the taxonomy/term/1,2,3 and taxonomy/term/1+2+3 style listing pages no longer work, coldly replying page not found.
This is very sad: http://drupal.org/node/503456
My naive issue 'hey we missed this' http://drupal.org/node/1028556
Searched words:
taxonomy term combined
taxonomy term listing +
I'm also disappointed about this. The issue page mentions using Views, but I wouldn't know how to go about creating such a view. Have you found any workarounds?
It is a default view provided by Views module
Hi Richard,
The good news is that this is a default view provided by Views module, you need only go to admin/structure/views and enable the taxonomy_term view. (Actually, i don't think intersection works, but union is the more common need-- taxonomy/term/12+13
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