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What's the difference between Language Switcher and Translation block?

Deep in this old thread, "Looking for internationalization use cases and application feedback" - - a user wrote:

I'm not sure what I did wrong but the Language Switcher block failed to work on mine site. I've to use Translation block instead

Good enough for me to start out with Translation as the block, since they look identical anyway...


Drupal core translations used on WSF2008

  • Asterisk means WSF precedent, see Fwd: [Assessment-wg] Global Day of Mobilisation and Action of 2007 October 5.

Drupal core translated

Persian(Farsi) translation -

Debug variable printing functions shortcuts

dpr – Shortcut for dprint_r, a debug version of the PHP print_r function.
dvr – Similar to dpr, but uses var_dump instead of print_r.
dpm – Similar to dpr but print_r's a variable as a message using drupal_set_message.
dvm – Similar to dpm but uses var_dump instead of print_r.

From Nick of ThingAMajig.

about languages and translations

Dear friends,

Here you have a proposal for the languages and translation issue. Of course, we'll have to discuss it in our next general chat (next Wednesday), but it'll be good to have an exchange this Saturday.

For tomorrow, I think we'll have at least to talk about :
- mapping,
- translation and languages.

But we'll surely other things to talk about...

In solidarity,


About languages and translations in the website.

PowerToExchange: towards a business plan and proposal

Kathryn, business manager.

Fishbone diagram:

  • what could go wrong
  • what would increase the cost?

So he can see what would cause it to cost more.

So what are the features

Site easy to use.

Not time consuming unless they want it to be.

And actually connects them with people who have ideas.

People can vote, click on a thing to say "I like this idea"

Connect them to people who are entrepreneurs.

Connect them to people who are willing to invest.

Marketing budget.

I thought there was a page-front.tpl.php or similar option for Drupal 5 themes

But I can't find it.

Is it possible to create a unique front page template using phptemplate? Jeff eaten describes how yes, it is possible with custom code in template.php.

And there's no mention of built-in option for a special front page template in PHPtemplate section of Drupal's theming handbook.

But I still think it's possible...


In Drupal 5, page-front.tpl.php does take over for the front page, overriding page.tpl.php.

Subversion client for Ubuntu: anything like TortoiseSVN?


In windows xp I used Tortoise SVN to edit files on the server for theming purposes. Do you know of a program that is like Tortoise SVN but will work in Ubuntu? Maybe you've got to use the Wine emulator? Let me know if you have any ideas.



You would think the currently most popular open source free software version control system would have a spiffy GUI client to work with it on the currently most popular open source free software desktop operating system, wouldn't you?

Base themes to build sites with



Taking a site standalone

Agaric procedure for taking a site that was sharing a Drupal codebase with a bunch of other sites standalone.

Download a new Drupal.

SVN export the current agaric-sites/5/project-name/trunk/ directory to replace (and rename as) default.

Check the whole thing in.

Set up Apache, PHP, MySQL for Webserving Drupal

(If you're starting from the beginning, download a starter CD.)

Note: Take time to look at each statement and what it runs.

All of this is from:

apt-get install ssh openssh-server

vi /etc/network/interfaces

In there, this is the important part to change:

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