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Needs Improvement

Workable solution needs improvement

Theming node creation forms to split up taxonomy input fields by vocabulary

The otherwise excellent documentation Using Theme Override Functions For Forms doesn't work too well for core forms like the node form. What that documentation is actually about is creating your own overridable theme functions for your own custom forms.

It's a somewhat different approach to overriding core forms. And even though you may have a custom content type "custom" you cannot override its form with theme_node_custom_form, sadly.

Print a block directly from a theme

Completely revised and updated: print a block directly in a theme or page the Agaric way

Print block directly in a theme with its title

Calling a GMap View from a theme, the hacky way

OK, so the situation is that we have a custom front page, page-front.tpl.php and we want to call a GMap view.

GMaps does not like to be shown through a view called directly by a theme.

We tried every possible way we could think of including drupal_add_js() in modules and the page-front.tpl.php and nothing worked.

Ultimately, we put the two <script > javascript lines that were missing (using the sophisticated technique of viewing source on the view/map page that worked and the home page that didn't).

Final 20 Issues Chat on Skype

View earlier messages: 1 Day | 1 Week
Benjamin Melançon
11/5/07 5:57 PM

Pierre George
11/5/07 5:58 PM

too bad cannot hold for some more min ...
11/5/07 5:58 PM

will edit more issues in drupal
11/5/07 5:58 PM

you will have them for breakfast
7:01 PM

7:01 PM

ben ?
7:01 PM

it is 1pm here .... so let us focus quickly
7:02 PM

1 am, Pierre ...
Pierre George
7:02 PM

7:03 PM

Quicktags gives your textfields buttons to make HTML easy to add

Installed quicktags to add HTML code insertion buttons to form - adds buttons to your forms

Quicktags should not appear on plain text form fields


Illegal offset

What I learned from:

warning: Illegal offset type in /Users/ben/workspace/repos/agaric/agaric-modules/place/5/place/taxonomy_location/taxonomy_location.module on line 30.

One reason you may get an illegal offset error is passing in an array where you mean to pass in a key--

you're trying to put in a number, but instead your putting an array, into another array to act as a key


Pass information from a URL into a Drupal page or form

The solutions are not Drupal-specific, should work in any PHP.

drupal pass url to form

arg(2) does it -- or arg(0) or arg(1) or whatever.

panels arguments title
Done. Note: Panels 2 will be able to have a title influenced by arguments without any need for this hack.

How to set up RSS feeds on a Drupal site without Subscriptions module: using Views of course

Joeri Poesen of Symbiotix wrote Agaric, "You've got some great drupal content, but no feed" and "so chances are I'll forget about you, which would be a shame."

That's why it's important to have an RSS feed, which Drupal gives you out of the box. Most people won't be kind enough to write you an e-mail. The other lesson: always assume people are listening.

Being professional web developers, we wrote back "Agaric carve rocks! What Web 2.0?" Well, close: "Is there anything other than Subscriptions for doing that stuff?"

Agaric Design Collective's Wiki Recipe

Easily create and edit content and link to others' wiki content. All participants logged into the site can edit this content type. All edits are stored as revisions.

Ask Agaric (unsolicited edition) - how to moderate comments but not forum follow-ups

Just guessing, but look into hook_comment

Your request could be a pretty useful contrib module (if it isn't already!)

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