Needs Improvement
Workable solution needs improvement
Hi Neil,
I haven't themed forums in this way but here's the general approach:
You want to look in forum.module (and possibly other files such as include/*.inc files-- core isn't entirely modular (yet) to try to find the function that outputs the time. It _should_ be named function theme_something_something. (Where it is actually called to produce output it will be in the form theme('something_something') -- this is how Drupal allows you to override theme functions rather than modify core.
ben-agaric: Is there a way to search specifically for modules on ? I am *not* a newb!
[5:14pm] ben-agaric: never mind -- advanced search:
[5:15pm] gnat_x: ben-agaric: i always just use google, and limite it to
[5:15pm] ben-agaric: then expand the closed fieldset, and choose "Project" for the content type
[5:15pm] jenlampton: ben-agaric: I also like to do a google searh on " project whatever"
Agaric's Subtitle: How not to be a jerk, to anybody
Agaric's further commentary: lack of female participation in free software projects is a failing and a huge liability for the critically important software (and ideas, information, and knowledge) freedom movement.
It also strongly indicates less human involvement than we otherwise would have.
We need to keep track of our own modules.
Here's a plan:
- Keep using trunk for development, with all the modules checked into it.
- More importantly, use another directory for stable. We repeatedly tag/branch (same thing in SVN I think) out to stable, and stable can be directly checked out into an agaric directory within sites/all/modules.
Supposedly we can also check our modules in development directly to sites/specific/modules if we need to
use our modules before surely stable.
UPDATE: Short and sweet the error and the fix (on Ubuntu, at least) with none of the jibber-jabber below.
ben@ebony-ubuntu:~/code/anjali/drupal$ drush updatecode
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 122880 bytes) in /home/ben/code/anjali/drupal/sites/all/modules/quiz/quiz.module on line 677
Drush command could not be completed. [error]
Start editing the command line php configuration (initialization) file with:
sudo vi /etc/php5/cli/php.ini
Regions in blocks from Lullabot as interpreted by Morton:
übermucho more fun with regions in nodes
Ohh and another little thing i found over at the lullebot site (eaton you are a hero!) adding regions inside the node - damn that have been a lifesaver the last couple of weeks.
So just if i ever ever ever forgets it - heres the snip (and now no more absurd css trix margin: -666px 0 0 0)
add a region
(This matters to Agaric because we're doing all kinds of crazy stuff to stick the action set (organic group) creation on the same form as the action (node that belongs to organic group).)
[#action] => /eng/node/add/action
becomes in the linked group:
[#action] => /eng/node/add/action?gids[]=233
That's the only difference.
if (!isset($form['og_nodeapi']['invisible']['og_groups']['#value'])) {
This is the translation how to document, it is still a work in progress...
In order to paint as good a picture of this process as possible, we will go through the translation process using actual examples from the website. Let's say we want to translate the 'What and Why ?' page on the site. Assuming you are logged in follow these steps:
Click on the title to get to the node page. When there, click on the 'translation' tab. (If you don't see that tab, talk to your system administrator)