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Needs Improvement

Workable solution needs improvement

Wasted a lot of time with Filemerge insisting huge paste was one line

Wasted a lot of time trying to compare the results of two drupal_set_message print array wrapped in pre tags, copied out of the browser.

Various text editors treated it as having multiple lines (around 3,000 lines, in fact) but FileMerge insisted that it was one giant line. I tried saving, again with multiple editors, to Unix line ending type. I do use Unix-style line breaks by default ("LF") but this had no effect.

Anyone have any experience/advice on this?

FileMerge uses diff, and it doesn't work in diff either.

Subform limitations: errors in subform not noted or highlighted the same as main form

Note: Elements of a subform aren't included in the list of 'this is required' if there are main form errors triggered. Furthermore, the wrong element can turn red. In this case, the Title text is red, but it's the group title (renamed Action set name) that's blank.

Title field is required.
Description field is required.
Country field is required.
Province/State field is required.
Town field is required.

Where's the Action set name required?

Well, if you leave only it out you get the error:

i18n experimentals break ability to change content type descriptions

Drupal content type description won't change


it is a story type renamed to news, and the Description changed, and it somehow got stuck as this:

News stories have a title, a teaser and a body (the teaser is part of the body and can be separated by <!--break--<). News stories must belong to an action set.

Override taxonomy/term style links for a custom (module-owned) vocabulary

(Solution at bottom.)

Agaric's initial test implementation hook_link_alter indicated that it doesn't quite act however the module w

Copy a worklow-ng workflow to do same actions on create content as update

Workflow-ng has no duplicate functionality at this time, nor can you have it triggered on two or more events (or even edit the event). However, you can export the current set-up (configuration) that you like.

From the export tab: admin/build/workflow-ng/0/export

How to make patch files to contribute to contributed modules

These instructions assume a GNU-Linux, Mac OS X, or other UNIX-y computing environment.

Follow these instructions for using CVS:

However, if you are making a patch for a contributed module rather than Drupal core, going to the Drupal root directory doesn't make sense.

Create a link for anonymous users only to proceed on to create content after registration

Dan Hak (smoothblendz) (5:49:46 PM): register?destination=node
Dan Hak (smoothblendz) (5:49:48 PM): !!!
Dan Hak (smoothblendz) (5:50:05 PM): doesnt goto create page like user/regiter would
I3IVIIVI (5:50:18 PM): well, in the meantime I'm still getting the register link for logged in users
Dan Hak (smoothblendz) (5:50:53 PM): <?php
if ($user->uid==0) {
  print l('<span class="buttn3">' . t('Present Action') . '</span>', 'user/register?destination=node/add/action', array(), NULL, NULL, FALSE, TRUE);

Hide the "More information about formatting options" link

Sometimes, you want to have an HTML-enabled input format, but you really don't need the "More information about formatting options" link. Too much clutter (also, in bad browsers like IE, if you go to the more info on input filters page, and click the back button is your browser, do you lose what you entered in the form?)

Possibly localization and a custom language could remove the line, but that's not the natural or best approach. The most wonderfulest Drupal hook, form_alter, is the Agaric way.

Skip validation for a form element in Drupal

// we have to get out of validation somehow
// we have to get out of validation for an associated group somehow

You must join a group before posting on this web site.

Well, the nuclear option on case 'action_node_form': in my implementation of hook_form_alter works:

        $form['#validate'] = array();

Now is there a way to just skip, or preset, validation for one item in the form array?


Disabling locale choices in Organic Group node form

Wanted to hide the choice of Language: "Selecting a different locale will change the interface language of the group. Users who have chosen a preferred language always see their chosen language."

Also we will disable the choice of whether to subscribe to the node you create for an action (set to yes), "Receive notification of replies or comments to this node."

And disable or hide upload files? I guess not, you could attach fliers...

Or should fliers be a separate content type?

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