User login

Needs Improvement

Workable solution needs improvement

Parsing XML with PHP for Drupal

Thanks to walkah for pointing out the exciting possibilities of Drupal and PHP 5's SimpleXML extension. (And before you ask, yes, we're taking medication to deal with this too-easy excitability issue.)

JSON (JavaScript Object Nugget) to PHP array

I am shocked, shocked that Drupal is not already fully buzzword compliant. I expected lots of material on making, sending, getting, reading, and mangling JSON. (I made up the part about the N standing for Nugget by the way. I'm pretty sure it's JavaScript Object something though.)

Instead, Agaric was forced to fall back on the PHP manual: only in PHP 5.2 and above the function json_decode will turn a JSON string into a PHP object (or, optionally, an array).

Event views module calls views_invalidate_cache too often

I don't think this should be called on what seemed like most every page load. This is a significant problem with a lot of locale/i18n languages.

Getting latitude and longitude for countries, provinces, or cities

Stolen from Dwees in this comment:

  $city = $node->location['city'];
  $province = $node->location['province'];
  $country = $node->location['country'];

  $address = str_replace(" ", "+", $city .",". $province .",". $country);
  $google_key = variable_get('googlemap_api_key', '');

IMPORTANT: Modified modules on WSF2008

The following modules have been modified from their original and we have to

Major impact on how site works:

Organic groups (just slightly to allow our form_alter subform nodeapi craziness, can beg for patch)

Minor (in terms of impact on the site if we screw up and fail to bring forward our changes on an update):

Nodeprofile (hid menu tabs, should supply patch)
Core (for l10n_client, this patch is part of Drupal 6)


Views titles and text and i18n, a preliminary preface to a dirty hack

Internationalization module (i18n) now supports views in a way-- unfortunately I think it hard wires in the

sure how well that works with the preferred "show current language and no language" setting.

And there's still no goddamned "show in the user's preferred language if available, if not in the default language." That's what we need. There shouldn't even be a conceptual hack of "no language" – content is either in a language or it isn't. But all that's another story.

Theming google map popups to use imagecache with Views and GMap module in Drupal

So you can pass in the imagecache presets namespace directly into your GMap view for use in pop-ups.

I had (apparently) figured this out a while ago but had Dan going through the code print_r'ing views variables to try to figure out where we could intercept the file ID and change the path to imagecache... and the path was already imagecache.

Any imagecache type you create can be chosen for CCK image

Moral of the story, when you're dealing with Views, assume it can be done through the user interface. There is full and amazing Imagecache support of Views.

Modules put in modules-all with Drush (partial list)

Installed by Drush PM on Drupal 5
The utility module is a module that contains a bunch of utilities that are simple to code, everyone wants, but nobody actually codes them.
Right now, we have:
System module fieldset closer- This utility closes all the fieldsets at admin/build/modules

How to grep through insanely nested folders to find a string

Agaric forever owes a huge debt of gratitude (and a drink or something) to jmorahan, IRC hero.

I think I have a menu_rebuild that's being called way too often. What is the unix command for looking through everything in a whole nested directory, from Drupal root on down? grep something something menu_rebuild something something?
(please don't tell me to 'man grep' -- that's what I did and why what little I knew about how to use it has been lost, as evidenced by this query)

grep -nHR menu_rebuild /path/to/drupal/root

Date and Calendar or Event module for WSF? just switched to Date + Calendar

We're with Event for now.


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